200 GHz Filter-Based WDM, ITU Component
DWS Series

Lumentum ITU Components are the result of years of telecommunication experience in interference filter technology. Individual components are available on ITU channel spacings of 200 and 100 GHz, as well as on bands of ITU channels.
Manufactured using laser welding technology, these devices exceed the requirements of Telcordia GR-1221. They demonstrate low loss, temperature insensitivity, and reliable performance in any system application.
Used within mux/demux and add/drop applications, Lumentum ITU components provide the utmost flexibility in single ITU channel management. They offer a simple solution to wavelength routing and are optimized to supply maximum bandwidth and isolation, yet maintain low chromatic dispersion.
Established volume capability and proven experience in customizing fiberoptic components and modules make Lumentum the supplier of choice.